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Products Buhold Group

Providing a safe way for transportation

Presented here are some examples of products from Welfit Oddy. Contact us for more information.

buhold intermodal tank containers produced by welfit oddy 2
buhold intermodal tank containers produced by welfit oddy 3
buhold intermodal tank containers produced by welfit oddy 4
buhold intermodal tank containers produced by welfit oddy 5
buhold intermodal tank containers produced by welfit oddy 6
buhold intermodal tank containers produced by welfit oddy
buhold intermodal tank containers produced by welfit oddy1
buhold intermodal tank containers produced by welfit oddy 7

Buhold Industries B.V.

Louis Braillelaan 80

2719 EK Zoetermeer

The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0) 79 7999 588
Fax: +31 (0) 79 7999 555 

KvK: Rotterdam nr. 27223463